Why integrate QuanTiP?
Joining QuanTiP allows you to :
- be part of a network of excellence in quantum technologies and participate in the scientific activities proposed by the DIM
- respond to the DIM QuanTiP’s annual calls for projects (AAP)
- receive support for the organization of scientific and public events
- discover new partners in all quantum technology disciplines…
How can I join QuanTiP?
To be eligible, an academic research team must be active in the field of quantum technologies AND in the Paris Region.
When a research team is eligible and wishes to be listed in QuanTiP, the procedure is as follows:
- Identify the QuanTiP contact: this involves identifying a contact person within the research team to act as the QuanTiP contact. The contact may be the same person as the team leader. This contact will have access to the various information distributed via the DIM mailing list. He or she will be responsible for relaying this information to other team members.
- Identify the thematic area in which the team wishes to participate.
- Download and complete the Excel file “DIM QUANTIP_ADHESION” and the Word file “DIM QUANTIP_FICHE-EQUIPES”.
- Send the registration request to quantip@univ-paris13.fr, together with a short paragraph describing the team’s activities and the completed Excel file.
Once this has been done, the request will be examined by the steering committee (COPIL). Within one month, an e-mail will be sent to the contact person and the team manager, informing them of the COPIL’s decision.
The team registration request, together with a short paragraph describing the team’s activities and a completed Excel file, should be sent to quantip@univ-paris13.fr.