
Why integrate QuanTiP?

Joining QuanTiP allows you to :

  • be part of a network of excellence in quantum technologies and participate in the scientific activities proposed by the DIM
  • respond to the DIM QuanTiP’s annual calls for projects (AAP)
  • receive support for the organization of scientific and public events
  • discover new partners in all quantum technology disciplines…

How can I join QuanTiP?

To be eligible, an academic research team must be active in the field of quantum technologies AND in the Paris Region.

When a research team is eligible and wishes to be listed in QuanTiP, the procedure is as follows:

Once this has been done, the request will be examined by the steering committee (COPIL). Within one month, an e-mail will be sent to the contact person and the team manager, informing them of the COPIL’s decision.


The team registration request, together with a short paragraph describing the team’s activities and a completed Excel file, should be sent to