Researcher Area
Educational resources

The QuanTiP DIM makes available its various educational resources, which you can use for events or presentations. The only condition is that you specify where you got them! 🙂

The DIM QuanTiP is always in the process of creation, so check this page often to make sure you don’t miss anything.

Poster for mediation

The DIM QuanTiP has its own popularization posters, to be used without moderation!

  • Quantum physics: the main principles (superposition, entanglement, the Nobel Prizes, Schrödinger, Bell’s inequalities…).
  • Optical tweezers: the principle, qubits, advantages, disadvantages, possible applications.


A vacation notebook dedicated to quantum science and technology? We’ve started! Here you’ll find a crossword puzzle on quantum physics, along with a memo on the main principles.


Entanglion is a game created by IBM Research. The English version is freely available on Github. DIM QuanTiP has translated all the elements to bring you a French version.

Guide to organizing your conferences

Don’t know where to start setting up your event? Don’t panic, we’ve put together a handy guide that will take you through the major stages of your organization! We are currently working on a english version of it.