The DIM QuanTiP regularly organizes training days on various subjects, in collaboration with other DIMs or associations. Don’t hesitate to sign up!
Residential school on entrepreneurship 2025
DIM QuanTiP is teaming up with DIM MaTerRE and Quantum Saclay to organize a Residential Entrepreneurship School from June 10 to 13, 2025. The school will be hosted by Eric Langrognet of Limpidea Management. This school will take place at Domaine Saint-Paul, 102 route Limours, 78470 Saint-rémy-Lès-Chevreuse. Open to all members of our networks, from PhD students and postdocs […]
Valorisation Awarness Day
The annual Valorisation Awareness Day brings together technology transfer professionals, industrialists and professors from the entrepreneurship sector. The aim of this annual event is to train QuanTiP’s research teams in the various aspects of innovation, to promote technology transfer and company creation, and to help launch industrial transfers in the Paris region. Four major conferences […]
Designing and writing an outreach project
Recent research funding schemes, whether national (ANR) or European (Horizon Europe program, Erasmus+, COFUND, etc.) increasingly include an outreach and dissemination component, including to the general public. On a par with scientific excellence, this component is one of the factors that can determine the success of a project. The session will present the outreach components […]
Science and social media
Communicating on social networks and engaging your community. The use of social networks in any scientific communication or mediation approach seems to be an imperative. So much so, in fact, that we tend to forget certain fundamental questions: for which objectives and which audiences are they best suited? Which network is best suited to which […]
Experimental mediation
What is an experiment? Behind this seemingly trivial question for research professionals lies a plurality of answers.Faced with a public, what we call “experiments” are tools that can be used to achieve several different and sometimes contradictory objectives.Together, we’ll take a look at the different ways in which experiments can be used in scientific mediation, […]
Critical thinking and argumentative bias
Fake news, rumors, fallacious arguments, infobesity… Today’s science-society dialogue is regularly disrupted by the eruption of misinformation. We will define and discuss the importance of critical thinking in building this dialogue. What roles can you play in a scientific mediation activity? What simple tools can be used to identify argumentative biases or encourage the emergence […]
General introduction to communication and mediation
General introduction: how to move from peer-to-peer communication to mainstream communication? Communicating to a non-specialist audience is not just a matter of simplifying the message or “dumbing down”. Rather, good communication focuses on contextualizing messages and understanding audience requirements. How can we avoid the pitfalls of jargon? How do you capture attention? How to make […]