Quantum nanophotonics


Institut des NanoSciences de Paris

Tour 22,
Place Jussieu
75006 PARIS

Team Leader


Permanant members

  • Agnès MAÎTRE


Scientific activity

We study individual nano-emitters, individual quantum dots or nanoplatelets whose diameter is smaller than the Bohr radius. They emit single photons, and we modify their emission characteristics by placing them in plasmonic antennas. Under strong excitation by radiative multiexcitons, which are responsible for the spectral broadening of the emission. We are studying the phenomena of strong coupling when these emitters are placed in plasmonic cavities.

We have also demonstrated that these quantum emitters, integrated in dielectric disks, excite resonant gallery modes and, even under weak optical pumping, constitute polariton lasers.

To characterize a nanosource of single photons, the conventional method of confocal fluorescence microscopy is to study them one by one, which is very time-consuming. As part of a commercialization project, we are developing an instrument that will enable us to characterize a large number of emitters in parallel, thereby increasing efficiency. This instrument is based on a combination of confocal fluorescence microscopy and a SPAD camera.