Laboratoire de Physique des Solides
UMR 8502
510 rue André Rivière
91400 ORSAY
Team Leader
Fabrice BERT
Permanant members
Fabrice BERT
Véronique BROUET
Philippe MENDELS
Scientific activity
Our experimental research activity is focused on the study of a wide variety of new quantum materials in the fields of frustrated quantum magnetism, strong electronic correlations, unconventional superconductivity, materials with strong spin-orbit coupling and the topology of kagome metal systems. Our experimental expertise combines different spectroscopic techniques (NMR, μSR, ARPES and INS) complemented by macroscopic measurements (transport, magnetization and specific heat).
© Philippe Mendels, 2022.
Figure: 14T NMR experiment with sweepable field and variable temperature 1.5K-300K.