Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies
CNRS UMR9001, Université Paris-Saclay
10 boulevard Thomas Gobert
Team Leader
Sébastien SAUVAGE
Permanant members
Moustafa EL KURDI
Sébastien SAUVAGE
Scientific activity
In micro- and nanoscale semiconductor volumes, the team exploits light confinement and quantum confinement of electrons to control and enhance light-matter interaction.
- Planar nanotechnologies are used to integrate functions linked to quantum information processing. In silicon, diamond and nitride in particular, the team produces guides and micro-rings for parametric generation of non-classical light. We also fabricate and measure photonic crystals for the interaction of confined single photons with single free electrons.
- We simulate quantum chaos in optical micro- and nano-resonators, such as curved Möbius ribbon microlasers exhibiting semi-classical properties.
- The electronic structure of doped nanostructures is also explored by local probe microscopy and modeled by solving the Schrödinger equation in multiband k.p formalisms, characterizing the oscillator forces and dipole couplings of light-confined electrons.
© Dominique Decanini, 2020.
Figure: For the exploration of quantum chaos and new sources of single photons, a singular Möbius ribbon-shaped cavity remarkably exhibits a single edge and surface. Scanning electron microscope image. Manufactured by Dominique Decanini (C2N).