Molecular Nanodevices


Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d’Orsay

UMR8214, Bâtiment 520
rue André Rivière
91420 Orsay Cedex

Team Leader


Permanant members

  • Damien RIEDEL

Scientific activity

Our research is devoted to the study of individual molecule and molecular architectures adsorbed on epitaxial semiconductor surfaces for the development of model devices. Aiming at understanding the fundamental electronic, chemical, magnetic, optical or quantum properties of these molecular structures, we wish to exploit these molecular assemblies to create functions and study physical processes in relations with specific or new nanoscale laws.

Figure: 3D representation of a STM picture showing the electronic coupling of four silicon quantum dots (LPx)
that build an ON/OFF circuit, Nature Com.  8, 2211 (2017).