Electric Dipole Moment with atoms and molecules in Matrix (EDMMA)


Laboratoire Aimé Cotton

UMR 9025
Bâtiment 505
Rue du Belvédère
91400 Orsay

Team Leader


Permanant members

  • Daniel COMPARAT

Scientific activity

The existence of a permanent dipole moment of the electron would awaken the existence of a new physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. It’s a fascinating table-top experiment that will reveal more about the fundamental symmetries of physics. Our project is based on precise measurements of the valence electron of the caesium atom. In order to have large quantities of atoms at our disposal, we have initiated the EDM in matrix (EDMMA) project, which traps atoms in cryogenic rare gas matrices. This is a joint project with the LAC/ISMO/LPL/CIMAP consortium.

© Daniel Comparat, 2022

Figure: Alkaline atoms (rubidium here) trapped in a rare-gas matrix (argon here) crystallized at low temperature.