Laboratoire Aimé Cotton
UMR 9025,
Bâtiment 505
Rue du Belvédère
91400 Orsay
Team Leader
Permanant members
Scientific activity
The “Cold Rydberg Atoms” team studies the properties of Rydberg atoms, focusing on their possible uses in quantum computation and simulation on the one hand, and precision measurements on the other. This research is developing along several lines:
We are working on the theoretical development of quantum gate protocols based on interaction resonances between several Rydberg atoms. We are also carrying out experiments on ytterbium atoms, a divalent atom, to demonstrate decisive advantages for the realization of quantum simulators.
In collaboration with ONERA, we are also investigating microwave electromagnetic field measurements using atoms as sensors, undergoing electromagnetically induced transparency by coupling to a Rydberg state.
Finally, we are working in collaboration with SYRTE to improve optical clock uncertainty budgets by characterizing various parameters using Rydberg state measurements: electrometry, indirect temperature measurement and collisional frequency shift limitation.
© Patrick Cheinet, 2021.
Figure: Ultra-high vacuum chamber and Zeeman decelerator for slowing down, cooling and trapping Ytterbium atoms.
These atoms are then excited into Rydberg states.