The department will coordinate internal and external activities and communications, particularly with the general public and young people, as well as training initiatives in relation to the regional, academic and industrial environment. It will also be responsible for promoting the network’s many activities in France, Europe and the rest of the world, thus raising awareness of the Region’s commitment to research and innovation beyond its borders. It will work with the Spin-offs axis for actions at the interface with companies.
- An annual network day, open to the media and regional representatives;
- An annual international conference will be organized alternately on one of the DIM’s scientific axes;
- A call for projects to support teams organizing conferences, seminars or invitations to external collaborators for short stays.
For all events supported by QuanTiP, particular attention will be paid to gender balance among speakers.
The axis will offer training courses for doctoral and post-doctoral students, validated by the doctoral schools, on scientific themes (summer schools supported by the DIM) and on scientific mediation, preparation for employment, promotion and entrepreneurship. These training courses will enable young people to enhance their skills and adapt to emerging professions such as “quantum engineer”.
Communication and dissemination actions
- Videos/photos. The DIM will support the production of short videos on scientific themes or on network players. The DIM will also take photos on these themes, as well as at events it organizes.
- Secondary schools. The DIM will be working in partnership with high schools in the Paris region to raise awareness of quantum physics and its applications.
- General public. An evening for the general public will be organized at least once a year: a particularly talented French speaker will be invited to give a talk, accompanied by demonstration experiments or videos. Every year, the Fête de la science will provide an opportunity to take part in large-scale events.
- Finally, the DIM will seize opportunities to take part in science-themed exhibitions (photos, stands, demonstration experiments) in partnership with museums.
Figure 7 : Laser fountains. Photo : B. Rajau, AtoutSciences, LPL, USPN.
L’objectif de cet axe est de développer une culture scientifique commune à l’intérieur du réseau et d’enrichir les échanges sur le plan fondamental et technologique, au niveau local autant qu’international mais aussi d’accroître, par une communication appropriée, la visibilité du réseau à l’intention des entreprises, du monde de l’enseignement, et de façon générale auprès des médias et du grand public.
Team Leaders
SYRTE, Observatoire de ParisSenka ĆUK