AXIS A – Scientific and technological resources

Increasingly complete mastery of quantum systems requires the support of highly interdisciplinary scientific and technological resources, which cut across the different thematic areas and form the indispensable foundation. This includes both the development of theoretical methods, upstream knowledge promising new approaches, and the development of materials, integrated devices and enabling technologies essential to the realization of quantum devices. The efforts undertaken in this area will draw particularly on the industrial fabric of the Île de France region to benefit from the best technological innovations already available, and to inject a quantum dimension into future developments.


Figure 5: (a) Semiconductor nanowire (InAs, green) covered with superconductor (Aluminium, blue), and placed at the end of a superconducting resonator shown in (b). The supercurrent through the wire depends on the spin of a single electron trapped in the semiconductor region. Photo: Marcelo GOFFMAN, CEA (2021).


Les objectifs de l’axe sont les suivants : méthodes théoriques, approches nouvelles, matériaux, dispositifs intégrés, technologies habilitantes.

Team Leaders

  • Danijela MARKOVIC

    UMPhy, CNRS/Thales
  • Alexandre TALLAIRE

    IRCP, Chimie ParisTech


  • Marie-Pierre ADAM

  • Mark-Oliver GOERBIG

  • Aymeric DELTEIL

