Public area

On this page, the QuanTiP DIM has put together some basic resources to help you understand quantum physics and help others understand it. Videos, games, books, podcasts, you can choose the format that suits you best!

One day at the lab !

Video realised by Quantum Flagship

Have you ever wondered what a day in the life of a quantum physics laboratory is like? Follow a research team from the Charles Fabry Laboratory for twenty-four hours!

Mots (Q)roisés

Have fun filling in the crossword with the help of the memo below. So, quantum physics is easy, isn’t it?

Tech for all !

November 2024 saw the third edition of tech for all. The conference “The Future of Tech: Quantum Computers” brought together Jeanne Solard, Staff Nanofabrication and Characterisation Engineer and Tiffany Gibier, Software Engineer Intern, from Alice & Bob.

In one note…

Breeding photons

Short stories, by Jean-François Dars and Anne Papillault

Nadia Belabas, physicist, CNRS research fellow – My work focuses on how to create and use quantum entanglement in reduced space. Entanglement is what weaves the links inside the magical collective states that we’re beginning to know how to make by assembling grains of light that all look alike. These entangled states have amazing applications: they’re like the Gibis, the Shadoks’ antagonists: they solve every problem as soon as they put on their hats, because then they’re all connected and all thinking together.

Documentary on the history of quantum entanglement

(July 3, 2022, Photons Jumeaux)

With the participation of :

  • Alain Aspect (laboratory Charles Fabry of the Optic institute),
  • Sara Ducci (laboratory for Quantum Materials and Phenomena),
  • Philippe Grangier (laboratory Charles Fabry of the Optic institute),
  • Franck Laloë (Kastler Brossel laboratory),
  • Pérola Milman (laboratory for Quantum Materials and Phenomena).

Podcasts / TV / radio…

Quantum physics: once upon a time there was a revolution
[Radio France culture]

About the series (4 épisodes –> here !)

It’s a word that’s making headlines in everything from cosmetics to computing: “quantum”. But what are the main physical principles behind this term, and what is the history of this scientific revolution? On the occasion of the Year of Physics 2023-2024, “La Science, CQFD” takes stock.

Books, articles…

Twelve women in research – Quantum variations


The Rydbergator game simulates excitation of atoms into Rydberg states in a 2-dimensional plane. The atoms are placed on a hexagonal grid. Only atoms at the right distance from the already excited atoms can get excited (shown as raised blue hexagons in the figure). Too close or too far, the electron energy level is either too high (light blue) or too low (grey color hexagons) for the laser frequency. The excitation occurs in turns, in analogy with a sequential application of laser pulses in a real experiment.

If you want to try out Rydbergator go to: ScienceAtHome | Rydbergator

Rydbergator : The playthrough with Professor Klaus Mølmer. Created by “ScienceAtHome” Aarhus University, Denmark.