Undimensional Bose gases


Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers

99 av. J.-B. Clément,
93430 Villetaneuse

Team Leader

Aurélien PERRIN

Permanant members

  • Aurélien PERRIN

  • Hélène PERRIN

  • Thomas BADR

Scientific activity

The experiment is devoted to the study of one-dimensional Bose gases. Ultra-cold sodium atoms are confined in a magnetic micro-trap by wires deposited on the surface of a chip. The aim is to achieve sufficiently anisotropic confinement to reach the one-dimensional regime, and thus come as close as possible to the Lieb and Liniger model. The chip also features a microwave waveguide for exciting molecular transitions or the hyperfine atomic transition. Recent studies have focused on the exploration of molecular transitions at high microwave fields. The medium-term objective is to set up optical confinement to achieve homogeneous linear density, for studying the non-equilibrium dynamics of 1D gas under excitation.

© Joseph Seaward, 2019.

Figure: View of the atom chip that magnetically traps sodium atoms
atoms in a highly anisotropic confinement, enabling the one-dimensional regime to be achieved.