Ultrafast quantum optics (QUANTUM)



181 Chemin de La Huniere
91128 Palaiseau

Team Leader


Permanant members

  • Hamed MERDJI

  • Davide BOSCHETTO

  • Emmanuel PERONNE

Scientific activity

Hamed Merdji (144 articles, h-index=36) is a research director and moved on March 1st 2022 from CEA to École Polytechnique. He leads a new team (3 post-docs, 1 PhD, 1 engineer, 3 M2) focused on Ultra-fast Quantum Optics and applications in quantum information. Hamed Merdji has strong experience in leading small to large scientific projects on a National, European, and International level. He has started a new research line at Institut Polytechnique de Paris at the crossroads between quantum optics and ultra-fast science.  He currently leads several projects  granted by the European Innovation Council and the ANR in connection to new ultrafast single photon source based on high harmonic generation (HHG) in semiconductors and quantum information. HHG has the potential to generate highly entangled states based on strong field laser matter interaction leveraging the intricate interplay between light and matter to generate robust, scalable non classical states. In 2024, He opened a new quantum optics platform at LOA, QUANT-X-Light dedicated to several research lines: entanglement in high harmonic generation in semiconductors, quantum materials and quantum imaging. His team is hosted by the larger newly created QUANTUM group at LOA.