Thermal metrology


Laboratoire Commun de Métrologie LNE-Cnam

61 rue du Landy
93210 St Denis

Team Leader


Permanant members

  • Stéphan BRIAUDEAU

  • Olga KOZLOVA

  • Laurent PITRE

  • Fernando SPARASCI

Scientific activity

LNE-Cnam, the Laboratoire Commun de Métrologie between LNE and Cnam, is a research laboratory which develops and maintains at the highest level of uncertainty four base units of the International System of Units: the kilogram, the meter, the candela and the kelvin. For the kelvin in particular, research is carried out within the laboratory’s “Thermal Metrology” research division. The Thermal Metrology division is recognized internationally for its ability to produce first-rate thermodynamic temperature standards, acoustic thermometers and point-fixed cells, as well as nationally for its activities in disseminating references to French industry. As part of the research work carried out to define the 2019 kelvin, the Thermal Metrology division played a leading role in the international community, having determined the Boltzmann constant with the lowest uncertainty ever achieved to date. Since 2017, the team has been engaged in research activities in the field of optomechanical temperature measurement by quantum correlations, forging a strong partnership with the LKB and C2N laboratories, with the aim of developing a quantum primary thermometer.