Source of Correlated Ions and Electrons (SIEC)


Laboratoire Aimé Cotton

UMR 9025
Bâtiment 505
Rue du Belvédère
91400 Orsay

Team Leader


Permanant members

  • Yan PICARD

  • Daniel COMPARAT

Scientific activity

We develop ion and electron sources based on laser excitation and ionization of Rydberg atoms. The originality of these sources lies in the highly monokinetic and correlated nature of the particles produced. This makes it possible to produce an optimal beam with total trajectory control. We aim to use this technology in ion and electron microscopy for imaging, spectroscopy and implantation applications.

© Yan Picard, 2020.

Figure: Phantom imaging. The correlation between electron/ion pairs created during laser ionization of a cesium source jet enables us to observe what lies in the path of the electron spot by exploiting the image obtained with the correlated ions.