Semiconductor materials for quantum technologies


Groupe d'étude de la matière condensée

UMR 8635
45, avenue des Etats-Unis
78 035 Versailles Cedex

Team Leader


Permanant members

  • Christophe ARNOLD

  • Julien BARJON

  • Rémi GILLET


  • Marie-Amandine PINAULT-THAURY

  • Ingrid STENGER

Scientific activity

The team’s research focuses on 3D cubic (diamond) and 2D lamellar (hBN) wide-bandgap semiconductor materials. Our approach combines crystal fabrication with the physical study of point defects. We aim to identify the impact of the material on the performance of colored centers used in quantum technologies. Examples include stabilizing the charge state of the spin-bearing NV center of diamond, or locally activating the blue center of hBN under an electron beam. Spectroscopic and physico-chemical diagnostics of point defects are being developed (cathodoluminescence, SIMS) to qualify the level of purity required for quantum technologies.

surface du diamant

© Julien BARJON, 2023.

Figure: Surface of NV and phosphorus co-doped diamond produced at GEMaC,
as seen under a scanning electron microscope