Quantum Polaritonics at C2N


Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies

10 boulevard Thomas Gobert,
91120 Palaiseau, France

Team Leader

Sylvain RAVETS

Permanant members

  • Sylvain RAVETS

  • Jacqueline BLOCH

Scientific activity

So-called quantum materials have extraordinary properties (superconductivity, quantum magnetism, fractional quantum Hall effect) that cannot simply be described by models involving a single particle (atom or electron) at a time, but require us to consider interactions between a large number of particles. In the team, we use light to construct synthetic quantum materials in which such collective behavior occurs. The aim is twofold: to probe these artificial materials to help understand complex phenomena, and to use their collective response as a potential resource applicable to quantum technologies.

C2N Quantum Polaritonics

© Olivier Ezratty, 2021

Figure: Sample holder developed at C2N for low-temperature confocal microscopy experiments under an intense magnetic field.