Quantum matter


Centre de physique Théorique

UMR7644, Ecole Polytechnique,
F-91128 Palaiseau cedex France, EU

Team Leader


Permanant members


Scientific activity

The group conducts theoretical research on correlated quantum systems, particularly in the context of ultra-cold atoms and quantum simulation. Our work aims to characterize new quantum phases of matter, their associated phase transitions and their entanglement properties, but also to understand the transport properties and out-of-equilibrium dynamics of correlated quantum systems, and to develop theoretical approaches to this end. In particular, our research focuses on disordered quantum systems, quasi-crystals of ultra-cold atoms, one-dimensional quantum gases and quantum magnetism. Our work draws on a wide range of techniques, most often combining analytical approaches (e.g. mean-field theory, Bethe ansatz, Yang-Yang theory, bosonization, renormalization group, …) and large-scale numerical simulations for N-body systems (e.g. exact diagonalization, quantum Monte Carlo by path integrals, tensor network approaches, …).

© Jean-François Dars, 2014.

Figure: A formula on the blackboard.
Hamiltonian of a quantum gas in second quantization.