Quantum materials and systems


Laboratoire de physique théorique et de modèles statistiques

UMR 8626
Bâtiment Pascal n° 530
Université Paris-Saclay
rue André Rivière
91405 Orsay CEDEX, FRANCE

Team Leader

Olivier GIRAUD

Permanant members

  • Alberto ROSSO

  • Christophe TEXIER

  • Denis ULLMO

  • Dmitry PETROV


  • Guillaume ROUX

  • Leonardo MAZZA

  • Maurizio FAGOTTI

  • Mikhail ZVONAREV

  • Nicolas PAVLOFF

  • Serguei BRAZOVSKI

  • Stéphane OUVRY

  • Thorsten EMIG

  • Valentina ROS

  • Véronique TERRAS

Scientific activity

The team’s objectives are the theory and modeling of classical and quantum systems, and the study of complexity linked to disorder, chaos and dimensionality, with applications to condensed matter physics, solid state physics and atomic and molecular physics. This research is at the interface with mathematics, information technology and game theory.

Main topics include condensed matter, quantum fluids, topological defects in electronic systems, ferroelectricity and charge order in organic conductors, conducting polymers, coherent transport in mesoscopic lattices, the Kondo effect and quantum dots, Bose-Einstein condensation, strongly correlated fermions, quantum transport, quantum information.

© Emmanuel Trizac

Figure : Board of LPTMS.