Quantum gases in bubbles and rings


Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers

99, avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément
93430 Villetaneuse

Team Leader


Permanant members


  • Hélène PERRIN

  • Thomas BADR

Scientific activity

The experiment provides a better understanding of the superfluid dynamics of quantum gases. We have studied the dynamics in a ring trap, which allows us to observe a permanent superfluid flow. We are now focusing on the dynamics of superfluids on a curved surface – an “atom bubble” – and in particular on the interaction between curvature and rotation. We have already demonstrated that our shell-shaped trap can be used to study supersonic flows. We have also demonstrated how quantum vortices are arranged in a triangular lattice, and how this lattice “melts” as thermal energy increases. Our current projects concern superfluid turbulence in the curved geometry of the bubble.

Figure : Vue  général de l’enceinte à vide et du laser permettant de préparer un condensat de Bose-Einstein, 2017, équipe BEC.