Quantum emitters in optical microcavities


Laboratoire Kastler Brossel

24 rue Lhomond
75005 Paris

Team Leader


Permanant members

  • Jakob REICHEL

  • Romain LONG

  • Jean HARE

Scientific activity

The team is interested in the entanglement of N atomic qubits and its applications, in the fields of quantum metrology and quantum simulations. The photonic field in a microcavity creates an effective interaction between the atoms positioned in the cavity, enabling them to be entangled. In this way, we obtain spin-compressed states that have the potential to improve atomic clocks, an application we are studying in an experiment in collaboration with SYRTE. The fibered microcavities we use are themselves a result of our research, and have found applications far beyond our laboratory. We are continuing their development and working with industrial partners for their use in products such as miniaturized gas trace analyzers.

© Jakob Reichel, 2022.

Figure: Compact device for cooling strontium atoms.