Laboratoire Kastler Brossel
UMR 8552
Collège de France
11 place Marcelin Berthelot
75005 Paris
Team Leader
Clément SAYRIN
Permanant members
Michel BRUNE
Sébastien GLEYZES
Clément SAYRIN
Scientific activity
The CQED team at the LKB is working towards the realization of quantum simulations using circular Rydberg atoms. These giant atoms have particularly long lifetimes, enabling simulations to be carried out over extremely long timescales, while retaining the strength of the interatomic interactions at the heart of existing Rydberg atom simulators.
Three experimental set-ups are used to produce ordered arrays of circular Rydberg atoms trapped in optical tweezers, to prepare circular Rydberg levels in Strontium atoms, and to obtain circular Rydberg atoms protected from spontaneous emission, to achieve lifetimes of several minutes.
© Clément Sayrin, CQED Team, 2021.
Figure: At the heart of the quantum simulation experiment is a sapphire cube.
at the center of which circular Rydberg atoms are trapped in optical tweezers.