Quantum computing (IQ)


Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6

UMR 7606
4 place Jussieu
75252 Paris Cedex 05

Team Leader


Permanant members


  • Eleni DIAMANTI

  • Frédéric GROSSHANS

  • Elham KASHEFI

  • Damian MARKHAN

  • Marco Túlio QUINTINO

Scientific activity

The QI team works on various topics in the fields of quantum information, quantum communications, quantum cryptography and quantum computation, from fundamental aspects to experimental implementations. In particular, we work on the development of cryptographic protocols, including quantum key distribution, quantum coin flipping, blind computation, verified quantum computation, secret sharing and secure multi-party quantum computation. We are also trying to understand the fundamental quantum features that give rise to quantum advantages, and the ways in which we can better understand the foundations of quantum mechanics through the study of information concepts. Members of the QI team are involved in numerous local, national, European and international projects, and in steering committees of the GdR “Ingénierie Quantique, des Aspects Fondamentaux aux Applications (IQFA)” and QCrypt. We are also co-founders of the Paris Centre for Quantum Computing (

Puce quantique, LIP6

© Yoann Piétri, 2022.

Figure: Photo of a quantum chip measuring around 10mm by 10mm, which, combined with a transmitter,
to carry out quantum communications secured by the laws of physics, with no time limit.