Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques
UMR 7162
10 rue A. Domon et L. Duquet
75013 Paris
Team Leader
Permanant members
Florent BABOUX
Scientific activity
Photonics plays a central role in the development of quantum information technologies. One of the major challenges towards the diffusion of applications is the integration of multiple functionalities on miniaturized chips. Our group is developing entangled photon sources and quantum photonic circuits in AlGaAs operating at room temperature and telecom wavelengths; thanks to its direct band structure, this platform is of obvious interest for electrical injection, paving the way for the generation, manipulation and detection of non-classical states of light on the same chip. Our research focuses on the development of sources for versatile encoding of information in different degrees of freedom, offering interesting advantages for quantum communications, computation and metrology. We are also interested in III-V hybrid devices on silicon as a bridge technology to high-quality complex circuits, non-linear waveguide arrays for quantum simulation, and IR-THz entangled photon sources for quantum imaging/sensing. Our work ranges from the design and fabrication of cleanroom devices, to the engineering of quantum states of light, to the implementation of quantum protocols and networks. We collaborate with academic and industrial partners on regional, national and international projects.
© A. Raymond, F. Baboux, équipe QITePhotonics, 2022.
Figure: SEM image of an AlGaAs quantum photonic circuit (waveguide array for the generation of spatially intricate states).