Laboratoire Albert Fert
UMR 137
1, avenue Augustin Fresnel
94250 Palaiseau
Team Leader
Manuel BIBES
Permanant members
Manuel BIBES
Scientific activity
UMPhy’s Oxitronics team has extensive experience in the synthesis of quantum oxide heterostructures by pulsed laser deposition or sputtering, and the study of their structural, electronic and magnetic properties. The team is one of the pioneers and international leaders in research into multiferroic materials and the electrical control of magnetism. It also discovered the effect of giant electrical resistance in ferroelectric tunnel junctions and patented their use as electronic synapses. Over the past ten years, the team has intensified its activities on two-dimensional oxide-based electron gases that exhibit high electron mobilities, are superconducting at low temperatures and possess tunable spin-orbit coupling, which can be exploited to convert spin and charge currents. The team is currently developing new lines of research to explore the physics of these systems in reduced dimensions and in the quantum regime, in order to assess their potential for quantum computing (spin-orbit qubits, Majorana zero-modes, etc.).
© Manuel Bibes
Figure: Spin-charge conversion in a two-dimensional gas LaAlO3/SrTiO3.