Nanooptics with free electrons (STEM)


Laboratoire de Physique des Solides

Bâtiment 510, Université Paris-Saclay
91405 Orsay

Team Leader

Mathieu KOCIAK

Permanant members

  • Amato Michele

  • Blazit Jean-denis

  • Bocher Laura

  • Brun Nathalie

  • Colliex Christian

  • De Frutos Marta

  • Galvão-Tizei Luiz

  • Gloter Alexandre

  • Kociak Mathieu

  • Li Xiaoyan

  • Stéphan Odile

  • Tencé Marcel

  • Walls Mike

  • Zobelli  Alberto

Scientific activity

We use low free-electron spectromicroscopy techniques in transmission electron microscopes to determine, ultimately on an atomic to atomic scale, the structure, electronic properties and optical properties of various quantum materials. These range from element-III nitride quantum wells and photonic cavities to point defects in van der Walls materials and transition metal oxides. The spectroscopies used are essentially electronic energy loss spectroscopy, energy gain spectroscopy and cathodoluminescence. Compared with macroscopic techniques, these are particularly useful for studying inhomogeneities in physical properties on the nanometric scale, possibly correlated with structural variations (defects, interfaces, etc.) on the atomic scale.