Laboratoire de Physique de l'ENS
Laboratoire de Physique de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure (UMR 8023),
75005 Paris
Team Leader
Sukhdeep DHILLON
Permanant members
Sukhdeep DHILLON
Scientific activity
The Terahertz (THz) spectral range has undergone significant development over the last decade, and today offers new possibilities for quantum technologies. Recent work demonstrating measurements of ultrafast vacuum fluctuations and control of multiple orbital eigenstates illustrates the strong potential of THz waves for quantum information. The NanoTHz team focuses on fundamental quantum physical effects in semiconductor nanostructures, and their applications to THz and mid-infrared quantum technologies. Our research activities focus in particular on
The generation of mid-infrared and THz frequency combs by quantum cascade and interband cascade lasers. These frequency combs offer new ways of generating complex states of non-classical light for applications in quantum communication.
- The fundamental study of new quantum phases in condensed matter using magneto-optics, magneto-transport and nonlinear THz spectroscopy, with a view to realizing a new generation of quantum materials. These techniques are used to understand the fundamental properties of Dirac matter and the topological phases of condensed matter.
- THz quantum detection and generation of non-classical THz light states by cavity semiconductor quantum dots. Our studies focus in particular on quantum dots based on 2D materials and nanocrystals.We are exploring different light-matter coupling regimes ranging from weak to ultra-strong coupling.
© David DARSON
Figure: Nano-terahertz device studied by ultrafast time-resolved THz spectroscopy