Laboratoire Kastler Brossel
UMR 8552
4 place Jussieu
75005 PARIS
Team Leader
Nicolas TREPS
Permanant members
Claude FABRE (em.)
Valentina PARIGI
Nicolas TREPS
Scientific activity
Quantum optics, as a child of optics and quantum mechanics, has inherited a dual linearity: that of Maxwell’s equations, which use optical modes as the basis for solutions, and that of Schrödinger’s equation, which uses the basis of quantum states. Considering these two bases on an equal footing, and adapting quantum fields not only in given modes, but also by optimizing the spatio-temporal forms of the modes in which the state is defined, opens up wide perspectives for dealing with complex quantum states. Our aim is to explore and theoretically characterize quantum states that span many optical modes (from tens to thousands) and many Hilbert space ground states, in order to unravel their intrinsic properties and find optimized witnesses to various properties such as multipartite entanglement. We are also investigating the use of optimized multimode states to push back the quantum limits of multiplexed estimation of physical parameters and to increase the capacity of optical communications channels.
© Francesca Sansavini, 2021.
Figure: Members of the multimode quantum optics team at the end of 2021.