Laboratoire CERMICS
Équipe commune à Inria Paris & Ecole des Ponts
6 & 8 avenue Blaise Pascal,
77455 Champs sur Marne,
Team Leader
Claude LE BRIS
Permanant members
Claude LE BRIS
Gabriel STOLTZ
Scientific activity
The team’s main skills lie in applied mathematics (in the broadest sense: modeling in the engineering sciences, mathematical analysis of models, design and numerical analysis of discretization methods and algorithms for simulating these models).
In terms of fields of application, the research activity revolves around the modeling and numerical simulation of molecular systems and materials at all scales. A significant part of this concerns the quantum scale, with activities focusing on numerical and algorithmic methods for determining the electronic structure of molecules or materials (Axis 2 “Quantum simulators” of the DIM QuanTIP), and on the simulation of quantum systems likely to produce quantum logic gates (intersection of Axis 2 of Axis 1 “Physical devices” for the “Quantum computing and computing” of the DIM QuanTIP). In both these directions, the team has numerous collaborations with teams in physical science disciplines. It also has, for example, established collaborations with the Inria Quantic project, already a member of the DIM, and a nascent collaboration with the Quantum Computing team at ONERA, also a member of the DIM.
Figure: The team uses mathematical methods and coffee to simulate matter at the quantum scale…
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