

Laboratoire Albert Fert

1 avenue Augustin Fresnel
91767 Palaiseau

Team Leader

Madjid ANANE

Permanant members

  • Madjid Anane

  • Vincent Cros

  • Paolo Bortolotti

  • Romain Lebrun

  • Isabella BOVENTER

  • Karim Bouzehouane

  • Sarah Mantion

Scientific activity :

Magnons, as quanta of spin waves, are collective spin excitations. We are exploring the properties of magnons in a variety of magnetic materials. Using spintronic phenomena such as spin-orbit couplings, we aim to investigate new phenomena such as the Bose-Einstein condensate of magnons and the coupling of magnons to quantum degrees of freedom. At the same time, we aim to develop innovative devices and technologies that exploit these unique properties, particularly for applications in radio-frequency electronics, analog computing and neuromorphic computing.

Figure 1 : Imaging propagative spin waves by near-field NV microcopy in a YIG thin film,

© 2024, Madjid Anane