Laboratoire de physique des solides
Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (LPS), UMR 8502
1 rue Nicolas Appert, bâtiment 510
91405 Orsay, France
Team Leader
Antonio TEJEDA
Permanant members
Antonio TEJEDA
Scientific activity
The team is interested in systems with reduced dimensions (2D materials including graphene, surfaces and interfaces) and in the quantum regime, in particular systems with strong electronic correlation, strong electron-phonon coupling and strong spin-orbit coupling. We are particularly interested in the correlation between structural properties and electronic structure, so as to obtain a tunable band gap or spin-orbit coupling, for example.
We have an experimental set-up capable of probing the entire band structure (occupied and empty states) with wave-vector resolution, using direct and inverse photoemission techniques. The spin of empty states can also be studied using the polarized electron source with full spin orientation control developed in the laboratory.