Laboratoire de Physique des Solides
UMR 8502,
Bâtiment 510, Université Paris-Saclay,
91405 Orsay
Team Leader
Marino MARSI
Permanant members
Marino MARSI
Zhesheng CHEN
Scientific activity
We study the electronic properties of quantum materials using experimental methods based on ultrafast lasers.
Thanks to advanced techniques such as time-resolved photoemission, ultrafast light pulses offer the opportunity to explore electron dynamics on the femtosecond scale (10-15 s). This makes it possible to observe fundamental quantum phenomena such as carrier dynamics, inter- and intra-band scattering, photo-induced changes in band structure, the lifetime and dynamics of excited states, and non-thermal transitions of quantum matter.
© Marino Marsi, 2022.
Figure: Ultrafast dynamics of the Dirac cone of the topological insulator Bi2Te3.