Light-Solid Ultrarapid Phenomemes (PULS)


Laboratoire de Physique des Solides

UMR 8502,
Bâtiment 510, Université Paris-Saclay,
91405 Orsay

Team Leader

Marino MARSI

Permanant members

  • Marino MARSI

  • Evangelos PAPALAZAROU

  • Zhesheng CHEN

Scientific activity

We study the electronic properties of quantum materials using experimental methods based on ultrafast lasers.

Thanks to advanced techniques such as time-resolved photoemission, ultrafast light pulses offer the opportunity to explore electron dynamics on the femtosecond scale (10-15 s). This makes it possible to observe fundamental quantum phenomena such as carrier dynamics, inter- and intra-band scattering, photo-induced changes in band structure, the lifetime and dynamics of excited states, and non-thermal transitions of quantum matter.

© Marino Marsi, 2022.

Figure: Ultrafast dynamics of the Dirac cone of the topological insulator Bi2Te3.