Highly correlated gases of ultra-cold fermions


Laboratoire de Physique de l'ENS

24 rue Lhomond
75005 Paris

Team Leader

Frédéric CHEVY

Permanant members

  • Frédéric CHEVY

Scientific activity

From condensed matter to the structure of nuclei and atoms, matter at every scale is made up of sets of interacting fermions. Understanding the physics of fermionic N-body systems is therefore one of the frontiers of contemporary physics, whose ramifications extend to nuclear physics, astrophysics, solid state physics and condensed matter.

Thanks to recent advances in atomic physics, and in particular the possibility of controlling the strength of interatomic interactions using Feshbach resonances, it is now possible to use cold atoms as quantum simulators of some of the Hamiltonians used in N-body physics. In this context, our group is studying the properties of strongly interacting gases, from their magnetic properties to the role of dimensionality.