Entanglement in Quantum Gases


Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers

UMR 7538
Université Sorbonne Paris Nord - Institut Galilée
99, avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément, 93 430 VILLETANEUSE

Team Leader


Permanant members

  • Olivier GORCEIX


  • Benjamin PASQUIOU

  • Paolo PEDRI


  • Laurent VERNAC

  • Lucas LAVOINE

Scientific activity

We perform experiments in the field of ultra-cold atoms, in order to study quantum many-body issues at the frontier of condensed matter physics, quantum optics, and metrology.

In our chromium experiment, we take advantage of the remarkable properties of chromium atoms (high spin, large magnetic moment) to demonstrate new physical effects triggered by the interactions between dipoles. Our current focus is to study the dynamical growth of entanglement in this system.

Our strontium experiment studies the quantum magnetism of large spin (9/2) fermionic particles, with an original SU(N) symmetry that reflects the invariance of interactions by any spin rotation. We are now investigating the use of the narrow lines to manipulate and probe the spin degrees of freedom, exploiting the extraordinary sensitivity afforded by metrology tools.

We are finally building a new experiment consisting of a continuous beam of strontium atoms passing through an optical cavity. We intend to make use of the collective phenomenon called super-radiance to create a source of light with ultrastable frequency and a linewidth even below that of individual emitters. If successful, this light source may be used as a novel type of atomic clock.


© B. Lebruht, LPL.