Diamond enabled materials and sensors (DIADEMS)


Laboratoire lumière, matériaux, interfaces

UMR 9024
ENS Paris-Saclay
4 avenue des sciences
91190, Gif-sur-Yvette

Team Leader

Jean-François ROCH

Permanant members

  • Jean-François ROCH

  • Martin SCHMIDT

  • Nicolas VERNIER

  • Marie-Pierre ADAM

  • Julien VANEECLOO

Scientific activity

Diadems’ activities focus on the use of diamond point defects as quantum sensors. This activity focuses on the application of nitrogen-lacune NV centers to specific use cases. As the quantum properties of the NV center are preserved at very high pressure, we have integrated NV centers on the tip of a diamond anvil, enabling us to explore the magnetic and superconducting properties of materials inside a diamond anvil cell.

We are actively collaborating with Thierry Debuisschert’s team at Thales R&T (Palaiseau) and with the “Hautes pressions statiques” group headed by Paul Loubeyre at CEA-DAM (Bruyères-le-Châtel). Diadems is also coordinating the equipex+ e-Diamant project (2021-2027), which aims to make France a global diamond supplier for quantum technologies. This project involves 11 partners, 6 of which are based in the Paris Region.

© Jean-François ROCH, 12/06/2024

Figure: Diamond anvil cell with NV centers in the left anvil.
The quantum properties of NV centers, which have led to a myriad of applications, are preserved at high pressure, enabling us to observe the Meissner effect of a superconductor under pressure