Crystals and quantum state dynamics


Institut de Recherche de Chimie de Paris

UMR 8247
Chimie ParisTech – PSL
11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie
75005 Paris

Team Leader

Philippe GOLDNER

Permanant members

  • Alexandre TALLAIRE

  • Diana SERRANO

  • Philippe GOLDNER

  • Mary De Feudis

Scientific activity

We design, grow, and characterize rare earth doped crystals and color centers in diamond in which we aim at controlling optical and spin non-classical states. These materials, produced in the form of bulk and nanostructured single crystals, show extremely long-lived quantum states at low temperature. This unique property in the solid state enables us to address a broad range of applications, from quantum information processing and communication, to spectral analysis and medical imaging.

© Eloïse Lafitte-Houssat, 2021.

Figure : Rare-earth ion-doped crystals for quantum memories  (171Yb3+ :Y2SiO5).