Cold molecule theory (THEOMOL)


Laboratoire Aimé Cotton

UMR 9025, Bâtiment 505
Rue du Belvédère
91400 Orsay, France

Team Leader


Permanant members


  • Fréderic CARLIER

  • Olivier DULIEU

  • Goulven QUEMENER

  • Romain VEXIAU

  • Laurent WIESENFELD

  • Djamel BENREDJEM (émérite)

  • Anne CRUBELLIER (émérite)

  • Eliane LUC (émérite)

Scientific activity

The team is structured into four research operations involving highly detailed studies of the structure, interactions, collisions and control of quantum systems. The first three research operations, which come under Quantip, are devoted to the study of cold and ultra-cold matter, while the fourth brings together studies of microscopic processes in astrophysics and plasma physics.

One of the aims of our work is to find the optimum conditions for achieving quantum degeneracy to obtain a condensate of cold molecules in their absolute ground state. We are also interested in the manipulation and control of neutral or ionized molecules as an alternative platform for quantum simulation.

© Nadia Bouloufa, 2022.

Figure: Illustration of the THEOMOL group’s work on the study of the dynamics
and control of cold neutral or ionized atoms and molecules.