Cold fermion gas theory


Laboratoire Kastler Brossel

UMR 8552
département de physique de l'ENS
24 rue Lhomond
75231 Paris Cedex 05

Team Leader


Permanant members

  • Felix WERNER

  • Yvan CASTIN

Scientific activity

Study of a broad spectrum of properties of cold fermion quantum gases in strong interaction, at equilibrium or out of equilibrium (equation of state, superfluidity, collective modes and their damping, coherence time, etc.) using a range of numerical or analytical theoretical methods. ) using a range of numerical and analytical theoretical methods: N-body Green’s functions and large-order studies, conformal Borel resummation of Feynman diagrams, cluster (or virial) expansion, quantum hydrodynamics, kinetic equations, classical field simulations, time-dependent BCS variational theory, etc.