
News > Job > Offre d'emploi permanent
Research engineer – Cold Atom Inertial Sensors

Laboratory : ONERA
Place : Palaiseau

A permanent research engineer position is available in ONERA’s DPHY/SLM unit. This position is linked to the development of cold atom-based inertial sensors.


The Laser Sources and Metrology (SLM) team at DPHY is in charge of developing optical and atomic metrology techniques, as well as implementing them in validation instrumental prototypes. To this end, studies are carried out at different levels of maturity: from exploratory instrumental research in the laboratory, to carrying instruments on different carriers (aircraft or other), carrying out measurement campaigns and processing the associated data.

The position is dedicated to DPHY/SLM activities linked to the development of inertial sensors.
These instruments are based on the joint use of commercial sensors and sensors specifically developed by the unit’s engineers and technicians, using atom interferometry technology (quantum technology based on the interaction of light with atoms, mastered by the team for some fifteen years). These instruments are used in measurement campaigns.

In this context, your missions will be as follows:

  • You will manage ongoing projects and participate in setting up new study proposals. You will be required to be technically involved in the processing and analysis of data from all instruments during measurement campaigns (co-processing of data from the cold atom sensor and data from other sensors).
  • You will also participate in the integration of the instruments into the carriers and their implementation during regular airborne measurement campaigns (2 – 3 weeks/year). You will be involved in the design and production phases (particularly in terms of computer control, co-integration with inertial sensors or other commercial sensors), and in the testing of inertial systems.
  • You will contribute to the valorization of all this work by developing interactions with the academic and university community, as well as with industrial players.
  • You will be committed to scientific outreach through publications and participation in conferences on the subject.

Finally, you will be involved in the development of the SLM team’s activities, taking part in the supervision of internships and theses, as well as setting up and carrying out various projects.


Engineer or PhD with strong skills in data processing and instrument control (Python, Labview, Matlab).

Initial experience in inertial measurement and GNSS technology would be a plus.

You have the ability to work in a multi-disciplinary team on a unifying project.

You have a strong appetite for project management (organization, follow-up, drafting of reports and technical proposals, interaction with customers and principals).

You have a strong taste for putting innovative and fundamental concepts into practice for application purposes, notably through participation in airborne measurement campaigns.

You have good writing skills in French and English (specifications, technical reports).


News > Job > Offre de post-doc
Postdoctoral position in quantum inertial sensing with cold atoms

Laboratory : ONERA / LCM LNE-Cnam
Manager : Malo CADORET and Yannick BIDEL

Our research group focusses on harnessing the wave-like properties of cold atoms to realize quantum inertial sensors based on cold atom interferometry for real-word applications such as gravity mapping or navigation.

Our team is at the international forefront in developing cold atom gravimeters for onboard applications [1-3]. Currently, we are working on the development of a compact and complete hybridized cold atom
inertial measurement unit (IMU). Our goal is to have a single atomic sensor that will alternately measure each inertial component (3 accelerations and 3 rotations), instead of having six independent atomic sensors each measuring one inertial component. Every atomic measurement will be hybridized with its corresponding classical sensor in order to benefit from the advantages of both technologies.
To date, our experimental setup can measure the vertical and the horizontal accelerations with hybridized cold-atom interferometric sensors [4-5]. We are looking for an experienced researcher to aid the ongoing development of the compact cold atom gyroscope [6] of the IMU. The postdoc project aims to push further the development the metrological characterization of the cold atom gyroscope in terms of sensitivity, long-term stability and accuracy. Additionally, the technique of Bloch oscillations will be implemented on the setup to increase the performance of the cold atom gyroscope.


  • Development of the cold atom gyroscope using Bloch oscillations.
  • Develop simulations to predict the performance of the sensor.
  • Work with Ph.D. students and other members of the group.
  • Actively participate in the publication of research results in high-quality scientific journals and their
    presentation at national and international conferences


  • Ph.D. in physics
  • Strong background in cold atom interferometry.
  • Experience with cold atom experiments.
  • Experience with simulation software.
  • Ability to work effectively in a team.

[1] Y. Bidel, N. Zahzam, C. Blanchard, A. Bonnin, M. Cadoret, A. Bresson, D. Rouxel, and M-.F. Lalancette. « Absolute marine gravimetry with matter-wave interferometry ». Nature Communications, 9, 02 2018
[2] Y. Bidel, N. Zahzam, A. Bresson, C. Blanchard, M. Cadoret, A. V. Olesen, and R. Forsberg. « Absolute Airborne Gravimetry with a Cold Atom Sensor ». Journal of Geodesy, 94, 02 2020.
[3] Y. Bidel, N. Zahzam, A. Bresson, C. Blanchard, A. Bonnin, J. Bernard, M. Cadoret, et al. « Airborne Absolute Gravimetry With a Quantum Sensor, Comparison With Classical Technologies ». Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, 128, 4, 04 2023.
[4] I. Perrin, J. Bernard,Y. Bidel, A. Bonnin, N. Zahzam, C. Blanchard, A. Bresson, and M. Cadoret. Zero-velocity atom interferometry using a retroreflected frequency-chirped laser. Phys. Rev. A 100, 053618, 2019.
[5] J. Bernard, Y. Bidel, M. Cadoret, C. Salducci, N. Zahzam, S. Schwartz, A. Bonnin, C. Blanchard and A. Bresson ”Atom interferometry using σ+ − σ− Raman transitions between |F = 1,mF = ∓1⟩ and |F =2,mF =±1⟩” Physical Review A, vol. 105, p. 033318, 2022
[6] Clément Salducci, Yannick Bidel, Malo Cadoret, Sarah Darmon, Nassim Zahzam, Alexis Bonnin, Sylvain Schwartz, Cédric Blanchard and Alexandre Bresson « Stabilizing classical accelerometers and gyroscopes with a quantum inertial sensor» arXiv:2405.13689 2024.

The position is available starting from the beginning of 2025, and the initial appointment is for one
year, renewable. The salary is based on French regulations.

Interested candidates may contact Malo CADORET (malo.cadoret@lecnam.net) or Yannick
BIDEL (yannick.bidel@onera.fr)
as soon as possible. The application should contain a CV, a list of
publications, a short research statement (cover letter)
, and contact information for two senior
researchers who can provide recommendation letters.