Last September, 2025 was designated “Year of Quantum Sciences and Technologies” by UNESCO. 365 days dedicated to the quantum sciences, their players and their audiences!
In recent years, the race for quantum technologies has gained momentum and is at the heart of research issues. France is constantly positioning itself and innovating in this competitive field. Faced with these major advances and new challenges, it is essential to inform and raise awareness of the impact these technologies can have on our society.
This year’s theme is sharing, and it’s an opportunity to open the doors of our laboratories and exchange knowledge on physics and quantum mechanics. It’s also an opportunity to meet and forge links with different publics.
The DIM QuanTiP is also committed to communication, promoting participation and manipulation. Throughout the year, the QuanTiP DIM is stepping up its dissemination activities aimed at the general public. Interventions in high schools, laboratory visits, popularization events – all these actions are an opportunity for the DIM QuanTiP to promote research work and measure the network’s reach.

The opening ceremony for the Year of Quantum Science and Technology will take place on February 4 and 5 at UNESCO, and you can already register: