Optique Quantique

Activité scientifique

The activity of the team is focused on two main topics in the field of Quantum technologies:

  1. The realisation of hybrid nanophotonic devices such as efficient integrated single photon sources based on the coupling of solid-state emitters with tapered optical nanofibers, and
  2. The study of the properties of the quantum fluids of light with a special attention for their utilisation as a versatile platform for quantum simulation.

Figure : Montage expérimental pour le couplage d’un émetteur de photons uniques avec une nanofibre optique (Quentin Glorieux, 2020).

Responsable de l’équipe : Alberto BRAMATI

Membres permanents :

  1. Alberto BRAMATI
  2. Quentin GLORIEUX
  3. Hanna LE JEANNIC

Laboratoire :

Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (LKB), UMR 8552
4, Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris